Previous Horoscopes

Aquarius are often attracted to impossible love scenarios as you are turned on by the challenge and also by the almost mythical nature of the battle to win the heart of the one you desire. Changes in the details within the short term goals means you have to work extra hard to keep the momentum...

Remember that sweat is just fat crying, time to get on your feet and make some changes to your health life. Not all could be up to standards, or to their desired levels, more effort from your part will get the rewards. If your finances are low, this should raise some red flags, train yourself...

More discipline in your habits is likely to bring you long term benefits, improving your life altogether. Your body is your temple, try and have more caution in dealing with every day events that may impact your health. Your revenue management is something that requires more attention from your part, even if things appear to...

When you start going on a course that leads to a healthier lifestyle, obstacles always pop-up. Be more alert, try and clean up your eating habits, be positive to every challenge placed in your way and success will follow. A day that can mark some changes and with a bit of luck the changes will...

Your heart will rule over your mind. Your sentimentality will outsmart your pragmatism. This may lead to random reciprocation and impulsivity. Your energies will produce a significant change in the way you perceive things. It will give you renewed sense of vigor, freshness and above all else freedom. You have a wide graph of variously...

Seek security within your own self. Constantly scavenging this key element in one’s survival on the exterior will make you limp, frequently depending on others for your comfort and guarantee. Hollow talk about sentiments won’t do much good. Instead stand up for yourself and be your own anchor. This will tether your spirits to the...

The freedom to choose one’s turn in love is in away high rise. While keeping your stance and exactly choosing what you prefer your life quality and direction, moving in may not seem feasible. Also one isn’t tied, coming to the same conclusion as that of the other in the relationship. Choosing the free way...

Listen to your heart and you will be surprised to hop out of conventionality. Be your own free self and chase your heart. Do not settle in for the middle ground. Compromise will not enhance your relationship. Navigate into the depths of spirit and come up with what you exactly feel. Do not resist the...

Your love will follow no rules or restrictions. Do not make an attempt to curb your love if it digresses from conventional or normal pattern of expression. Conventional or exotic, whatever the topology of expression, love is always beautiful. Jump into the inner puddles of strength of your partner and drench yourself, he/she his as...

It’s time to ring the wedding bells for all the Aquarians who have been strongly holding on to their darlings for more than a year. Your dating sweetheart can now be your soul mate. It’s the folklore woven with love that will create the perfect magic of the stars being plucked to ornament the union....

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