Previous Horoscopes

Don’t close yourself off. There’s someone who is dying to get to know you. Use this weekend to tick off your to-do list. Check your bank account, plan your finances, get yourself prepared for the week ahead. Be social this weekend. You will feel renewed. Take your time today. There is no rush. Make the...

There may be a conflict in your love life today. Someone might be pulling you in one direction and someone else in another. Only you have the power to decide what’s best. Keep your head focussed today. Avoid unnecessary meetings and calls Take time to pamper yourself. You deserve it, Virgo! Go somewhere you haven’t...

Unsure? Knowing what you want is hard, but you need to try to figure it out. If finances are stressing you out, ask to work more hours, or speak about a pay rise. If your work is good enough, then you deserve it. Don’t run yourself into the ground this week. Adequate rest will prevent...

Mercury retrograde ends today. Communicative issues will be resolved. Not where you want right now? Then make a career goal plan and stick to it. If you have been too busy to eat three meals a day, try to fit them into your lifestyle. You need all the vitamins and nutrients you can get. Go...

An emotional connection won’t go unnoticed today. Don’t be afraid to dive headfirst. Don’t let anybody bring you down in the workplace. Speak up for yourself. Don’t neglect your good habits. Use an app to keep track of your progress. Give yourself time to think through any big travel moves. Luck seems to naturally follow...

You’re happy with how your love life is going right now. Make sure this is a two-way street. Someone might be trying to steal your thunder at work. Don’t let them get the better of you. Healthy habits don’t happen overnight. But if you set your mind to it, they can happen quickly. You might...

A Sunday date is an excellent way to make the most of your weekend. Arrange something fun. Cut back on spending this week and remain focussed on your work. This will keep any unwanted debt away. It’s normal to not want to exercise but try and get into the habit. Once it’s a habit it’s...

Don’t be shy about laying your feelings bare. A potential love interest respects this Don’t make a career move you aren’t sure of. Ask for advice if you need to. Don’t feel guilty about having a lazy day. It’s what weekends are for Getting away from busy places is good for you. A lucky streak...

Sometimes people expect too much from you in a relationship. It needs to be a two-way street. Don’t get caught out today. Pay attention to all the details. Lack of motivation? Do something new. It’s good for the soul. Plan a last-minute fun activity with friends this weekend. Believe in yourself, it’s the first step...

Your needs deserve to be met. Don’t settle for anything less. You are on a roll today. Reward yourself for your productivity. Try learning how to cook a meal you’ve always wanted to tonight. It will give you a sense of accomplishment. Organise a fun group trip to reconnect with friends. Be careful of people...

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