Previous Horoscopes

Virgo are a little preoccupied with sex; perhaps you have been enjoying the 50 shades film or book series and are seeing possibilities you never imagined and are eager to try them out in new and established relationships. Your work life right now is playing to your strengths as you are required to research, delve...

You have been a bit paranoid that your partner has been cheating on you. You need to take care of you marriage. Not all hope is lost, you can still fix this. Single signs will have fun. If you are unemployed and looking for a job, today will be your lucky day, especially if you...

If you are taken, today will be a good day to discuss whether you want a future with this person. Single signs will have a night that they won’t forget. Financially, you are kind of at a stop still. You are doing okay (not bad, but not that good), but Venus isn’t really sending money...

With Pluto sending you some weird energy today, you might feel a lack of confidence. This will affect your love life. If you are taken, talk about your insecurities. Slowly, but surely, your ruling planet will make all your hard work pay off. This is not the time to loan anybody money, or reckless spending....

Single signs will get mixed messages from their crush. Taken signs need to do something special for their loved on today. Arrange a romantic evening with them. Your career is going great, but you still don’t have a very efficient way in which you manage money. If you don’t have one, open a savings account...

While at times you are merely stating what looks to you like a fact, you can come across as critical and a little sharp and so when you feel the need to point something out, ask yourself if to do so would be diplomatic. Virgo are known for their sharp minds, attention to detail and...

You may be quick to point a finger and fast to offer an apology, but will your partner be as quick to accept that apology. A bitten tongue saves much time in the dog box, You may be getting involved in something bigger or more complex than you are expecting when you take on what...

Relationships can be a great area of learning and self-evolvement – we often dislike people who have traits that we do not like in ourselves, so it is worth examining those who you take a dislike to and asking yourself what they can teach you about yourself and how you can change for the better....

Being adaptable and flexible in all relationships is essential today. You put your needs secondary above your loved ones for the greater good. If you feel that the sacrifice is too much; you must question what the other person really means to you. Watch out if someone who you know is usually against you or...

Psychological issues from childhood can be projected onto a new romantic partner meaning that you give over an impression of the old you rather than the new improved you. Play your cards close to your chest and work hard to protect trade secrets and important information. Virgo must attend to the minutia and the critical...

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