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Previous Horoscopes

Your health state, fitness level and overall well being status is likely to see a good improvement today. Positive influences should be felt by natives of Virgo, your strength is likely to go up and new projects can be started. Financial rigor is advise for you today, be more cautious in terms of spending and...

Keep your guard up, your overall health state may take some hits today, time for some changes in diet and habits. It’s not easy to get on a path of healthy living, but you have to start now, try and not postpone it further. Seek stability in your financial life, consolidate your job position, business...

You may want to press yourself hard physically, but this may be to let off steam rather than for fitness sake per se, and you should be careful to be measured and not reckless. You want the one you love to have your back, just as you have theirs, and any sense that they are...

Neptune inspires an interest in your own company and a desire to clear your head and have your own thoughts inclining you to be rather introspective. This is a very comfortable time for new romances that began in the past few months, you tend to feel more comfortable and secure as if you are really...

Virgo are very creative about everything now and can be extremely inventive when coming up with both practical and more psychological solutions. You are very open right now and you can reveal too much too soon and become an open book and so some more caution and reticence is required in new romances, better to...

You are more optimistic and positive in your outlook and this increases your effectiveness in all sports or competitive ventures as well as giving your confidence and mental health a boost. A good time for new relationships that come about in joint ventures at work – work or a professional passion is often what new...

The humdrum will not appeal and Virgo are likely to let their mind wander, daydreaming and finding it harder to focus on logical or regimented work. Try and structure your day to include some right brain thinking to make the most of the whimsical, creative inclination. Virgo are impatient with any duties or obligations in...

As you look to the New Year it is an ideal time to rid yourself of negative habits, especially those involving an obsession with self-image, self-doubts, self-criticism and over-analysis or fixation on mistakes and imperfections. There is a deepening of all relationships right now – the power of a strong relationship to transform you and...

You need extra rest and also some firm boundaries for your children. You may find communicating with your partner is more draining, you have to put in extra effort to be understood as it is like you are passing each other by in a fog. Workshops run from home and any other work-related events you...

Settle differences right away even where it is not your fault – it will be worth it. Give an olive branch, but do not go as far as accepting responsibility. You should be careful of sudden romantic advances that are usual or out of the left field, be sceptical. Avoid spontaneous spending and watch out...