

Virgo are exacting and highly specific and yet in romance your rule book has been torn up by Pluto who is trying to revolutionize the way you fall in love, have sex and conduct your romantic life.
Hell for Virgo is anything haphazard and Virgo dread working with people who are scatty and muddled in the way they work – the challenge for you today is to be tolerant of others’ methods and allow the creative process to flow even if that means squeezing your eyes shut at times.
Being healthy means embracing what is chaotic and learning to live with it. Often Virgos cannot go to sleep if there are dirty dishes in the sink; do not be a slave to chores Virgo.
Travel in connection with your partner’s business is favored.
Luck comes in connection with foreign cultures.
Life is evolving and changing every day, embrace that change and welcome conflicting emotions as they contribute to understanding.

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