

While at times you are merely stating what looks to you like a fact, you can come across as critical and a little sharp and so when you feel the need to point something out, ask yourself if to do so would be diplomatic.
Virgo are known for their sharp minds, attention to detail and the meticulous way they work and that is true of today as you tackle your job like a laser beam, analyzing and creating order from chaos.
Virgo often pay scrupulous attention to one area of their health while turning a blind eye to others, which is why many of you smoke, even though you may never touch fast food – try and be more holistic about health.
Travel is favored if it is aimed at completing a project or ending a business relationship.
You have luck in relationships today.
You may have some up and downs with friends, and it is time to do a bit of sorting and find out who is becoming a toxic element regarding your social group – not everyone we befriend is a keeper, often they are meant to drop off the radar.

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