Taurus signs who are in relationships need to spend more time with their family and friends. Just because you’re taken, that doesn’t mean that all those other important people don’t exist.
Financially, you are doing a lot better than before. If you want to do something more creative at your job, suggest the idea to a superior. See what they have to say about it.
Drink more water! Start taking better care of your skin. You are probably breaking out partially due to the unhealthy food that you have been eating.
The place that you should visit is Portugal! If you love red wine, dancing and the heat, Portugal is the place to be.
The number 33 is going to be your lucky number today. You will experience a lot of luck when it comes to social interactions.
Close your eyes and let the mind free associate, even if there are no words that accompany this state. This is like a mini holiday in the middle of the day.