An over emphasis on the physical or the climactic aspect of sex can mean you miss out on other things which are important ie touching, intimate chat, massage and that time together where the lights are out and it is all about you both not phones and kids and work.
You have drawn a great deal of strength and confidence in your abilities to succeed in your career this year – you should take some time to acknowledge all you have been through and the upheavals and challenges you have faced during the year. What you are daunted by ,for 2021 is nothing you cannot handle.
There is an emphasis this holiday season on passing on something of lasting value i.e. family heirlooms, albums or even stories that can enrich the present with memories of those who may not still be with you.
Travel which has an element of adventure is favored.
Taurus have luck when you formulate long range plans and then visualize and write them down.
Taurus are very calm and emotionally stable, especially when faced with a dilemma.