

Lately, your partner has been acting a bit strange and you don’t really know why. You are starting to suspect the worst, but instead of being paranoid, you should have an open talk with them.
Nothing can slow you down today. You might be stuck in a few boring meetings but you will be right back on track. Expect some minor income, and maybe even a bonus!
Be careful when it comes to chewing today because you might have some issues with your teeth. They will be super sensitive, so don’t even think about biting down on ice cream.
The country where you should definitely go is Spain. The people and the wonderful atmosphere will make you feel welcomed right away.
With Jupiter sending out luck, you will find lots of good fortune if you are surrounded by the color green.
Currently, you are feeling only good and positive feelings. You are less anxious, not so stressed and not worried about things out of your control.

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