Previous Horoscopes

Nothing annoys Scorpio like bad time keepers and today a partner who cannot keep a promise or be on time will really annoy you and set a bad tone to the weekend. Unexpected events can make the day quite exciting, but also stressful as there will be more to deal with, especially in terms of...

This is a day in which you have to pay greater consideration to the smaller things, try and get fitter, eat healthier so your immunity can deal with any challenge. Your body is your temple, try and have more caution in dealing with every day events that could impact your health. You might seem affected...

Your health state, fitness level and overall well being status is likely to see a good improvement today. Positive influences should be felt by natives of Scorpio, your strength is likely to go up and new projects may be started. Reward should be the word of the day, although past weeks might have you thinking...

This is a day in which you have to pay greater attention to the smaller things, try and get fitter, eat healthier so your immunity might deal with any challenge. The horoscopes inclines for a change, a change that in terms of health will be one for the better. A feeling of satisfaction is likely...

Scorpions are a little dominant when it comes to domestic chores and administration. You like to be more organized along with your partner and ensure smooth functioning of life. Your constant need for efficiency will lead to your dominant behavioral patterns. Your energies are focused and your goals defined. You will stick to your plans...

Be confident enough to barge out of an association that you know is in negative vibration for you. Be courageous to say NO and walk out of the fencing insecurity. Do not doubt yourself or your decision, trust your intuition and take the right step. The happening that are taking place right now are of...

Every human is bound to his/her limitations. As Bruce Lee rightly says “I am not here to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine”. The more you mitigate your expectation, the more beautiful and crystal clear will your partner will appear to you. Give your...

You are fine drawn in flipping your stance in a very defined manner without anybody really knowing as to when and how was the flip done. This fine change will save you a lot of damage and also anchor you in a win-win situation. You are steadfast in your goals and exactly know how to...

Temptations are too succulent to be resisted. These brewing silk feeling toward someone will make you feel beautiful for the time being. But no matter how meaty theses emotions, you cannot gnaw at them permanently. They never can give a base for lasting love, no matter what your perceptions are about it in the hindsight....

You’re thinking out of the box right now. Being your passionate self, you are chasing the lubb and dubb of your heart beat. Your romance cubes are on their own rotations of fantasies and surrealism. Trailing the butterfly of wild colors, those who do not keep up with your pace are sure to blot out....

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