

Better be prepared for today, your health could be to the test, physical levels may be affected and a slight state of tiredness could appear. Conserve your energy through out the day and try to have healthier meals so your body can fight back.
Your income is likely to be satisfactory today, you perhaps start with something small that has the potential to build up. Expectations are high, your warrior spirit will kick in and devotion can make long postponed aspirations could be achieved.
Pisces horoscope shows a paradoxical day ahead in regards to love, moments of up and down that will eventually lead to a constructive outcome. Don’t emotionally withdraw in your head, look around and spot opportunities, you might be surprised by the benefits.
Due to low energy levels you might feel emotionally down. You might behave in an erratic manner. Watch your words else you might end up hurting your loved ones. Concentrating on positive aspects shall bring more stability in mind.
Luck open new doors by granting new opportunities for you to grow.
Travel only if required. Take care of your belongings while travelling.

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