Watch out for over-consumption of food and alcohol as you may suffer worse from a hangover than usual – no reason not to have a great time, but make healthier choices of food and drink plenty of water in between drinks.
It is the time to put effort into resolving anything that you and your partner have had difficulty with, putting it aside focusing on love and tolerance and getting on with having fun and forgetting anything troubling.
You are definitely sneaking out of work early or avoiding it altogether, you have checked out of the year of work and the destination now is a party, shopping, family, hairdresser. In fact, you just cannot make up your mind what to do next but it will definitely not involved concentration nor admin.
A philosophical attitude can help you to overcome even deep-seated issues within your emotional life.
Travel for the purpose of a reunion is favoured.
There is luck in the area of catering and when entertaining in your home.