Your enthusiasm is pretty indestructible right now, and this is a good time to go for things that are either highly competitive or ultra long shots – often under these influences, long shots do indeed come off.
It is the silly season, and you can get a lot of joy from being a little childish and silly in love – why not feel like a teenager again – there ain’t no law against it.
In all sales and public relations, it is not so much what you say but how you say it – it is your enthusiasm for what you sell that will make the difference, and so you have to pay attention to body language, eye contact or subtle signals you give off.
You enjoy being in large groups where you all share in emotions together ie at a concert.
A good day to travel with a large group of people with whom you share an interest.
There is luck in the pursuit of short-term goals which you set yourself for today and so aim high.