Previous Horoscopes

Today your health is solid and reliable and you will able to do whatever you need physically and mentally – not a day for massive risks, steady does the trick perfectly. Relationships with men are solid and also very supportive; you can draw extra strength and also count on your man to be there to...

This is a very important time in that you can throw off negative thought patterns, especially those involving guilt or regret – you are far more future orientated and less prone to looking back and thinking ‘what if’. You may want to test your partner to see how far you can go regarding pushing their...

The path to hell is paved with good intentions, I am not sure who said that, but it must have been a Libran. Trying to please everyone can mean you end up living next to a volcano rather than a tranquil country garden and so put you and your spouse’s needs first. Venus makes you...

Probably not the best night to bring up a contentious issue as tempers may flare, and you will both be far from rational or reasonable. Careful about flirting at work or with clients and also make sure that you do not use your sexual charms in a way likely to create more harm than good....

Try to stick to working out as much as you can. Remember to rest and to stay hydrated. You might have some pain in your feet. You are feeling Venus rising, and you have the need to be more emotional and romantic today. Single Libra signs will find someone very interesting today. Ask for their...

You have enhanced dexterity and hand-eye coordination and this can help you refine sporting skills and improve your performance. You want to see your new partner’s true character and you will subtly engineer situations which strip away a façade and expose true feelings and motivations. Libran are quick-witted and you are adept at sliding out...

Trust in all your dealings is very important, and if you do feel that you have been betrayed or that your interests are compromised, you can be quick to end the relationship or take further action. You will do anything for your loved one, and if someone crosses your partner, you will take it personally...

This is a nervy fidgety time when you cannot switch off – even late at night you are list making or forcing yourself to remember things i.e. dates and names that may not even be important. Tangible tokens in love mater to Libra; you may judge your partner’s attitude to the relationship by the money...

In new relationships Libra may be distressed at the bad habits you are discovering about your new beau – can you reform him/her and it is worth it? Lover and partners can be annoying today, very much like spoiled children. Working with others is very tricky today as just when Libra think they have reached...

Single Librans could well become involved in a spontaneous and fast moving new relationship that takes you by surprise. This is a time of flirting and of exciting sexual contacts. Today should see pleasant surprises that lift you and give you a boost today; thanks to Jupiter- the glass is half full not half empty....

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