Previous Horoscopes

Either you receive a boost in terms of your overall wellness, or you could maintain a certain level of strength at a desired level. Fatigue is likely brushed aside and you can deal with untended projects or catch up with some work. A feeling of satisfaction is likely to turn this day into a good...

Improvements is what you horoscope emphasis for today, an improved state of mind accompanied with a stronger physical response is what you may experience. Load up with positive thoughts, these help not only for your morale but have a good effect on your body as well. You need to keep your optimism even if you...

Trust in all your dealings is very important, and if you do feel that you have been betrayed or that your interests are compromised, you can be quick to end the relationship or take further action. You will do anything for your loved one, and if someone crosses your partner, you will take it personally...

Do not compare yourself to others or make choices you hope will please others. Remember that pleasing others is never a guarantee of acceptance and love; pleasing yourself is a guarantee of some satisfaction. Do not give others what they do not want. Intellectual stimulation and tossing ideas about fearlessly is key in relationships right...

This is a nervy fidgety time when you cannot switch off – even late at night you are list making or forcing yourself to remember things i.e. dates and names that may not even be important. Tangible tokens in love mater to Libra; you may judge your partner’s attitude to the relationship by the money...

You find being with others both nourishing and enlivening. Librans can be accepted by new friendship groups and social circles, meaning you are liable to meet highly educated or successful new potential lovers. You can succeed now as you are interested in self-improvement and will take comments and criticism on board with a view to...

Libra are inclined to overindulge and today you really want to avoid alcohol. You also need to be careful about mixing medications, ask your pharmacist for advice and take any medication sparingly. Optimistic and sociable you are charming and putting your best foot forward which makes today perfect for the start of all relationships from...

Indecision and inner conflicts will mark the middle of this month as you suddenly begin to question what you are doing and why – this will normally involve smaller matters, but it is vital that you address the reasons behind your actions before they develop into something more time or money consuming that you cannot...

You will find it very hard to switch off and anything will disturb your sleep – you may find yourself in the kitchen with a hot milky drink at 2 am looking through Facebook. While you are more sympathetic in love you are also more subjective and that judgement of yours can go haywire and...

Watch out for sudden seasonal bugs; they will not last long but can lay you low for half a day or so. Wash hands all the time and get more sleep. Guests or friends who come to stay can be quite disruptive and so make sure they know where the door is as they may...

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