Previous Horoscopes

New love arises with people who you disagree with – the spark of debate is what will draw you to a new person, and the energy of the mental jousting will drive the romance forward. Sometimes, we don’t know the difference between what we believe about ourselves and what others want us to believe, and...

You can be emotionally quite demanding and may want to turn your intensity level down as although it is the thing which draws people to you and gets them under your spell; it can be a little too much full time. Do not hold onto the reigns obsessively; you can lead more effectively when you...

Love can be confusing and intense but only if you are trying to second guess your partner; you should be more direct rather than trying to see what you can read into their words and actions. Ask what you need to know and respond accordingly rather than responding to them according to guesswork.? This could...

Relations with Aries, Leo and Aquarius as well as with other Librans are more fractious – these signs are quite combative and defensive, but perhaps a good frank exchange of views is what you need to rid the air of tension. You react angrily, but you also calm down quite fast, this is a good...

The path to hell is paved with good intentions, I am not sure who said that, but it must have been a Libran. Trying to please everyone can mean you end up living next to a volcano rather than a tranquil country garden and so put you and your spouse’s needs first. Venus makes you...

Probably not the best night to bring up a contentious issue as tempers may flare, and you will both be far from rational or reasonable. Careful about flirting at work or with clients and also make sure that you do not use your sexual charms in a way likely to create more harm than good....

Try to stick to working out as much as you can. Remember to rest and to stay hydrated. You might have some pain in your feet. You are feeling Venus rising, and you have the need to be more emotional and romantic today. Single Libra signs will find someone very interesting today. Ask for their...

You have enhanced dexterity and hand-eye coordination and this can help you refine sporting skills and improve your performance. You want to see your new partner’s true character and you will subtly engineer situations which strip away a façade and expose true feelings and motivations. Libran are quick-witted and you are adept at sliding out...

You are the type of person who wants something that’s going to be long lasting. Sadly, no one seems to be good enough for you right now, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be having fun! Married signs need to talk about the future today. Unemployed Libra signs are going to have a day...

The road to change is a tricky one, filled with obstacles but perseverance is what is needed. Be more alert, try and clean up your eating habits, be constructive to every provocation placed in your way and success will follow. A day that can mark some changes and with a bit of luck the changes...

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