

A Mars trines your ascendant, you are clicking into a different phase where you are far more restless and you need to either go off on your own and experience new things or do exciting things with your partner.
Work can be like snakes and ladders with one step forward and two steps back and yet rather than getting frustrated you should embrace the stop start nature as a good way to learn as you go and to have a chance to adjust.
Librans should aim to eat food which soothes you like pea soup, potato bakes and stews and stay away from tomato dishes, chowders or Mexican foods.
Travel should be kept brief as you are too impatient for long journeys.
You are lucky in combat sports.
Emotions are shaken rather than stirred with Libra feeling a little out of balance and thus finding it hard to be a consistent partner – relations with the watery signs are enhanced due to your emotional state of flux, while relationships with other air signs suffer.

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