

You are very energetic and enthusiastic, and this bodes well for your sex life – but don’t just do it the usual way, be inventive, get some erotic books and some saucy undies and be original.
There will be struggles with your adversaries, and you will have to be creative to keep one step ahead of them. Do not underestimate those you negotiate or deal with commercially, they have tricks up their sleeves and can be tricky to handle.
Live according to your own truth and remember that while ‘following your dreams’ is much talked about on X-factor and is not always practical, we all have many dreams and not all of them are impossible – in fact most are attainable to some degree, and it is always good to feel that they are being pursued in some way and not buried and forgotten.
Travel by taxi or bus is favored.
There is luck in terms of literary pursuits and dealing with the press.
Libra are loving today, highly tolerant, you want to live and let live.

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