

Librans are not entirely satisfied with the way their partners are reacting in day to day situations – you believe that small things can often signify bigger issues at play and you will be eager to ask some pointed questions in your direct Libran way to find out more.
Work right now can be very fulfilling and also highly absorbing but you can lose focus and start drifting off on tangents that seem interesting but are not core to what you need to be doing.
The moon means this is a great time to begin a new sporting or fitness regime; however your ideas may not be realistic and so stick to something tried and tested rather than a fashionable or fad method of weight-loss or body toning.
Travel with your colleagues to do charity or philanthropic work is favoured.
Librans are lucky when you begin new strategies to get organized.
You have a powerful need to be in control and that can make you less sympathetic and more critical of others.

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