

Maintain your fitness and health, troubles might be present around the corner today, better be on your toes. It’s not easy to get on a course of healthy living, but you have to start now. Start with new health regime.
Your overall finances might seem to be taking a hit, watch out for any dangers in terms of expenses. Be mindful while investing, avoid any kind of uncalculated risk. This might save you and promise better days ahead.
A great opportunity for new and exciting connections is likely for today, so keep and open mind and be more social. Perseverance can be rewarding, your love life is set to flourish, improvements are announced in all aspects of your personal life.
Today you are more sensitive than other days. Chances of reacting in erratic manner are likely. Watch your words else you might end up hurting your loved ones.
You might get hurt during your trip. Be careful while driving.
Luck is not in your favor today. Everything seems to be working against you. Have patience to wait for the right time.

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