

You need to make up your mind. Do you want to be single or do you want to be in a relationship? Single signs are going to have a blast around fire signs today. Might end with some flirting!
Use a planner, cancel midweek hangouts, and put your future first. It won’t be easy, just know that the sacrifices will be worth it. Don’t stop just because it gets difficult. You’ve got this.
If there are some things that your stomach is more sensitive to, it would be best if you avoided them today because your weak spot will be your stomach.
Traveling is prohibited. Stay at home. Stay safe. Don’t be stupid during a time of a global pandemic.
Jupiter is the planet of luck and you can expect lots of luck today.
The human body doesn’t need much, but it appreciates regularity: make sure to have enough sleep, watch your nutrition, and exercise systematically, and try to minimize if not eliminate bad habits.

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