Previous Horoscopes

Leo should use the energy from Jupiter today to resolve conflicts with others, as you are bound to be well-received due to a sincere and warm demeanour. This is a great day for dating especially if the date involves being very active. In marriages, communication is enhanced and focuses very much on the future and...

There may be boundary issues, where you have to let others know when they have to back off – with more and more of us living on top of each other or with family, personal boundaries become more important. You are working very hard right now and are feeling pressure, and this may spill over...

While Leo’s voice is like a roar and they love to be heard, they can often be like a butterfly offering a light touch to anything they do not feel like dealing with – your partner may be tired of picking up where you left off Leo; own your life, all of it! Leo are...

You and your partner may have a good moan today – I am not sure who was in the glass half empty mood first, but this looks like a pity party for sure. Leo are worrying about money and financial matters today – but is this constructive worry leading to action or just mulling over...

Do everything you can in order to boost your immune system. Try to eat as many vegetables as you can. If you are in a relationship, your partner will notice that you are behaving a little off. Single signs will enjoy the company of water signs today. One of your colleagues or boss will find...

You need to pace yourself and so stick on the path and avoid attention-grabbing tangents. Well formulated criticism and honesty is appreciated by your partner as it means you care and are offering support You have to push that little bit harder today as there are some obstacles including those in authority who are more...

This is a very good time for training and weight-loss exercise; this is also great for those who want to build up to a big challenge fitness-wise. A day filled with promise for meeting partners with potential and yet that potential can take a year or so to unfold. This is an ideal time for...

A parent’s advice right now may say more about them than about your problem and so perhaps they are talking from their own perspective and do not really have a handle on how you feel. Leo need to be careful not to smother your partner or display too many needy emotions – you crave stability...

In laws can create sudden unexpected problems with inappropriate interference and that can dismantle some of the good work you have done as a couple – do not let people outside of the partnership throw in their penny’s worth. At work take extra care with how you phrase things to avoid confusion where there is...

Leo could be perceived as a little bossy in relationships; be careful that there is not a hint of resentment from the other side – take time to check if your partner is on board and get feedback from them. Leo are in a rather risky mood where you guys are more eager to take...

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