

Your companion will confide in you for very few words from your inside. It’s an art that gives your partner an impression that a tell tale has been woven from your internal, which will magically motivate him/her to speak up. Its sheer thaumaturgy of speaking qualitatively defined with a flush of quantitatively extrapolated words.
Your fierce and know the nitty gritties of getting into the competition. Spirited enough to challenge your opponent, and come out victorious even if the game loses on you.
You are a phoenix. Quick to recover from the setbacks, you emerge a champion from the distressing situations and also incorporate the lessons it had in store for you. Your physical and athletic agility will work wonders for you in the following ventures.
Keen to put your physical faculties to good use, a sporting or an active break is your key to refresh and rejuvenate.
Your eye has a knack of identifying the gold dust. Mediocrity doesn’t please you. You are sure to hit the lucky string while looking for out of the ordinary.
You have a canine mystery while guarding your secrets as of now. You feel too unshielded to let lose the string of your sentiments.

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