Previous Horoscopes

Sexual encounters can be very intense today and that intensity can be disconcerting for Gemini, as the Twins often recoil from this. Gemini like intensity in small doses and so today’s dose of it may be more that you are ready for and so be ready to make some excuses and slip away. Gemini need...

Taken Gemini signs will enjoy a quiet day inside with their loved one. Venus is affecting single Gemini signs heavily. Flirting is what you are born to do. You need to work harder in order for you to get where you want to be in life. Take every opportunity you get to better yourself and...

The fact that you’re so funny and energetic draws a lot of people towards you like you are some kind of magnet. Especially Leo signs. Taken signs will enjoy their partners company. Things are getting more difficult and giving up seems like the easiest option. Don’t. Push through and in the end it will all...

Your love life is going amazing, and you find it easy to make deep and sensual connections with other people. Married signs will crave intimacy. Financially, you need to start thinking about the future. Do your best to start saving up money and making plans. Your boss is very satisfied with the work that you...

Try being more affectionate towards your partner. Venus is sending you energy that is full of love, passion and lust. Single signs will be approached by a lovely Leo. You are on a challenging path of endurance. With Neptune, the planet of inspiration, sending you good energy, you will feel more creative than usual. Expect...

Today it is work which is on your mind, and relationships where Gemini has a partner in the same industry or who is interested in your work will find the evening filled with stimulating chat. Fast and furious is your pace, but that is the way it suits you today. Try to work in an...

Gemini do not quite have a clipboard or a tick box sheet, but you are taking note of salient points about new potential partners to ensure you will not be going down any dead end streets – losers need not apply. Gemini are excellent at handling tricky clients or customers, you are in a frame...

You may want to take a few small risks in love – now what you regard as ‘risk’ really depends on your personality, but a risk could be anything from trying a new way to meet a partner or breaking a rule you have set for yourself, i.e. no workplace romances or asking someone you...

This is a time of big plans for the future and Gemini may think towards planning their wedding or an engagement party. If you are single you will be thinking about how to win the heart of that special somebody you have an eye on. Gemini need to tread very carefully with their co-workers and...

Gemini are the baking soda in the relationship cake right now – you are doing all the rising and puffing up; unfortunately your partner may be a little lackluster. Patience is required as a partner may be dealing with some issues. Gemini are positive people and Jupiter makes you bubbly and excitable, but you may...

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