

You may want to take a few small risks in love – now what you regard as ‘risk’ really depends on your personality, but a risk could be anything from trying a new way to meet a partner or breaking a rule you have set for yourself, i.e. no workplace romances or asking someone you hardly know out.
If your public profile is important to you, this is a terrific day to re-launch or rebrand yourself. Find a new audience or expand beyond your current genre.
Today will see a burst of energy and you should use that to make new beginnings and it does not matter how small or in what area of life they are.
Travel to a family celebration is favored.
Anything new which you begin now can have a greater impact on your confidence, well-being and life prospects than you think.
You are in a very positive and happy go lucky mood and should allow yourself to just enjoy the day as it comes, do not put yourself under pressure.

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