Pisces Daily Forecast

FEB 19-MAR 20
March 3, 2025:

People with Pisces rising tend to be sensitive, compassionate, empathetic, weak-willed, long-suffering, day-dreamy, procrastinating, plastic, impressionable, impractical, indecisive, psychic, sentimental, romantic, idealistic, affectionate, easy-going, lazy, not concerned with the practical day-to-day affairs of life, absent-minded, and in search for the Holy Grail. At times you are too absent from focused awareness of the present. You may dream through life rather than live it. There may be involvement in music or dance or drugs. You may have a lonesomeness that nothing in the outer world can remedy. Being alone at times is an absolute necessity for you. The vibrations of this earth plane may be difficult at times for your sensitive body and spirit to withstand. You are very sensitive to the conditions of your surroundings and can be like a psychic sponge, absorbing all that is around you, for good or ill. You are very likable, but you need to learn how to be more practical and down-to-earth and how to concentrate your energies on the here and now. You must serve others in this life, but must learn not to be taken advantage of or fall for everyone’s sob story. Spiritual lesson to learn: Perseverance. Jupiter and Neptune both rule Pisces so Jupiter and Neptune will be important in your chart.

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