Previous Horoscopes

Your 7th house ruler, Pluto activated indicates that the past tends to rear its head and can interrupt the free flow of love in the present, anything swept under the carpet can regurgitate a bad taste in your mouth and so be honest about this and get communication going on it. Flattery will not get...

There can be battle of wills and strong differences of opinion with stubborn resistance to compromise – however things can get hot in the bedroom in spite of this. Watch out for a person who has a very strong influence on you and can subtly get you dong their bidding. Hold on to your own...

Activation of Solar Mercury means Taurus are very talkative especially when this relates to your goals, career and interests; but make sure you do not interrupt and fail to listen to your partner, they may be listening politely and yet feeling you are going OTT. Taurus are finding life very interesting right now, you are...

Taurus set great store in their ability to be stable, calm, reasonable and trustworthy, however events at work can rattle you and leave you feeling thrown off centre which can impact on your ability to be responsive in love. You may have things thrown at you at work which take you totally by surprise; extra...

Venus ruled Taurus is known as a peace-loving sign but they actually enjoy a little conflict from time to time especially in close relationships where they bottle up and then explode – so bulls, if you feel an explosion coming try and pre-empt it with some constructive chat. Taurus will always tell you they do...

Today is a sociable day where you will have increased interaction with your social groups and single Taurus have the chance to meet new mates via friends. Taurus should be careful not to flirt with your partner’s friends. Taurus need to take a look at the things which they are working towards and check if...

Today is a much easier day for new relationships where there is no history and no baggage; established relationships can face blockages due to past events which cast a long shadow. Today is perfect for forward planning – Taurus are so busy with the day to day work that you may be losing sight of...

Meeting someone who you truly connect with is a rarity. Don’t throw it away. Constantly worrying about finances will only get you so far. You need to plan carefully if you want security. Listen to your mind. Sometimes thoughts are just fleeting; but if a specific thought has been nagging you, then deal with it...

If someone isn’t giving you what you need, then you need to let them know. It’s the only way to move past it. Frustrations in the workplace will pass. Avoid getting caught up in something that isn’t your place. Your own time is precious. If you want to cancel plans, it’s OK. You don’t have...

The Sun squares Uranus which could lead to an unconventional method of resolving an issue you may have been having in your love life. Be prepared! Pondering career moves again and again won’t get you anywhere. Wait until Mercury retrograde finally begins to move forward on the 31st before you make any decisions. Take time...

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