Previous Horoscopes

Lust should never come before love. Don’t make this mistake. Neptune is in Pisces today, the final sign of the zodiac associated with tying up loose ends. It’s time to tick a project off your list and move on Plan a trip to the great outdoors for the weekend. Pack your hiking boots and go...

With the Sun inconjunct with Mercury in Scorpio. This is an excellent time to discuss any issues with a partner and sort them out Speak up. If you have an idea and want to make it work, then show your colleagues you have the passion and the drive to do it. Don’t let laziness rule...

The full moon is in your sign today. What a powerful time for you Taurus! It’s a day for chances; ask that person on a date. Use the full moon energy to take the risks you’ve been putting off. They could stand to benefit you financially. Focus on your mind this week. You need to...

Try not to lose sight of what you want in love. Difficulties might make you want to give up but think about the big picture. With Mercury in your sector related to investments and money, it is the right time to start mapping your financial goals. Having a plan in place is an excellent way...

Single signs might want to go to out dancing with friends. You might meet a cute water sign tonight! There is a big problem in your relationship and that’s dishonesty. It’s time to have “the talk”. Unemployed signs might get a call from an employer later in the day. Financially, you could be doing better....

Single Taurus signs will get flirted with a lot today. This is due to Venus affecting you! Your relationship might feel a bit rocky and a bit more unstable, but this is only temporary. A promotion at your work place is very possible today. Some of your co-workers might show signs of jealousy. Be ready...

Single signs need to start respecting themselves more. Just because you’re single, doesn’t mean that you’re worth any less. Taken signs need to have a serious conversation with their partner today. Try to be more responsible when it comes to spending money. Unemployed signs need to throw themselves in finding a job. If you have...

Taken signs are feeling a bit gooey and romantic. Arrange a cute date night with your partner. Single signs will feel passionate and seductive. Signs who have been employed for a long time might feel a little frustrated with their job. It might be time for a change, Taurus. Financially, you are doing alright. Going...

Sings who are in long distance relationships are getting really sick and tired from the distance. Other taken signs feel good about their relationship with their significant other. Remember: every person you meet is a potential door to a new opportunity -personally or professionally. Build good bridges because you never know when you might need...

Single signs will feel confident and flirty today. Try out something that you haven’t done in a while, or that you haven’t done with your partner. You are a diligent worker, and this is what is going to bring you lots of success in the future. Keep on going hard, but remember to take breaks....

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