Previous Horoscopes

Taureans can be very possessive and that is often a toxic element in your relationships as you tend to never be satisfied and you perceive threats where there are none. Keep your green eyed monster under control; your jealousy is often not rational. Do not feel you need to do more for clients than they...

With your ruler sextile Neptune, today is great for romantic and social activities and Taureans will probably be heading off to their favourite restaurants with friends. Double dates and first dates can work out very well. An excellent time for arranging events, for team building activities or for entertaining clients. Promotional discounts for regular customers...

Morning will bring its typical issues for you, in terms of energy, especially if sleep was not sufficient. After your morning routine, you should start feeling a lot better, and throughout the day no obstacle is insurmountable. All the signs are there, you could have been noticing them for a while but it’s now time...

You are able to look at yourself with more objectivity and that helps you view your role in your relationship with more detachment adding a perspective that increases your understanding of how your relationship works and how to improve it. A very good day to get your point of view across and you will find...

In love, it is more about quality than quantity with time alone together still at a premium. You like to be surrounded by your things and to have everything you need to hand, however this often becomes clutter and even a state of organized chaos – you may not want to put everything away, but...

There is someone that you like for quite some time. Build up the confidence to approach them. Taken signs might have a minor fight with their partner. Financially, you are doing well but you could be doing so much better. Even when you think you can’t, know that you can do this! It just takes...

When it comes to your love life, everything is completely fine. If you are single, you are having a great time flirting with people and meeting people. You have some bills to pay and some loans (or mortgage) need to be paid too. A Capricorn will have some solid advice for you. Stay away from...

Morning will bring its typical issues for you, in terms of energy, especially if sleep was not sufficient. After your morning routine, you should start feeling a lot better, and throughout the day no obstacle is insurmountable. All the signs are there, you could have been noticing them for a while but it’s now time...

Fitness levels could be very low especially in the first part of the day, you could get tired more easily and it will be tricky to stay alert. Skip any fast food meals that could tempt you today, try and stay clean and healthy, a bit of effort will have great rewards. Reward should be...

The road to change is a tricky one, filled with obstacles but perseverance is what is needed. Be more alert, try and clean up your eating habits, be forward-looking to every challenge placed in your way and success will follow. Don’t expect any surprising gains in terms of money today, this will most likely be...

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