Previous Horoscopes

Taurus often see things in black and white and can find it hard to define grey areas, however, today can assist you in making sense of what defies convention or at least the mind-sets that you have established. Changes in relationships tend to go your way, even what could be seen as negative initially can...

Physically you may be pushing yourself too hard. It may be that you are training for something in the sporting vein and are pushing your body to the limits – it is very important to recognize limits right now. Perhaps more can be achieved if you ease back on the pressure. There is an emphasis...

Venus ruled Taurus is known as a peace-loving sign but they actually enjoy a little conflict from time to time especially in close relationships where they bottle up and then explode – so bulls, if you feel an explosion coming try and pre-empt it with some constructive chat. Taurus will always tell you they do...

You are either a sexual beast or a bad-tempered bunnie. If the relationship is good, the sex will be terrific, but if Taurus have been stewing tonight they will explode. Massive amounts of focused energy and controlled focus of emotion means that Taurus can achieve difficult tasks today especially financial ones or in terms of...

Your health is something that you should always look out for. Be extra careful and don not lift anything heavy. Drink lots of water today. With the powerful Venus, the planet that governs love, romance, and passion, in Libra, this period will be extremely fun for you. You will meet all kinds of people if...

You are more vulnerable to catching colds right now and so wash hands, avoid others with the lurgy and take your vitamin D3, zinc, coenzyme q10 and plenty of fruit juice. Time to stick to that age-old rule of no sex, no politics and no religion in conversation – it is just easier today in...

Your ESP is strong right now, and you should not ignore hunches about people or places, even if they do not make sense – you are attuned to the atmosphere and able to pick up on subtle signals others are giving off. You are very romantic right now and also extremely adaptable to the needs...

You may spend more time venting in your diary and setting down your thoughts, you find it a release to be able to write something down and then re-read it just as a way of confirming whether you are right and if your stance is reasonable. You are quick to enter into relationships right now,...

Your sudden annoyance about something which happened a few days ago could be an excuse to mount a campaign against your partner as you feel generally dissatisfied. Ask yourself if this is the best tactic? Concerns about finances are rational, but things are not as bad as you think, however a dose of austerity today...

Mercury is creating a surge in passion and Taurus are easily aroused, however disputes over money can mean relations outside the bedroom are frosty. Taurus should look out for unexpected events with investments and in financial matters – do not be overconfident when giving others financial advice and keep detailed records of any down payments...

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