Previous Horoscopes

Love and relationships thrive when Taurus feels that their partner share their ideals and their vision; but should that be lacking, Taurus can go cool in close relationships. What Taurus need to do is to cling onto the dreams (because you are onto something) while bringing them down to earth and developing a strategy –...

While you come across as very open – there is more to you than meets the eye this year, you are not quite as transparent as you seem, and you are playing a smart game. Some travel may be on the cards to gather information or nail a deal in person. In a self-employed situation,...

You are very charming and have an edge to your personality that is both positive and powerful – you can make an impression and can exert a subtle pressure that can effectively swing opinions and events your way. If you work in the arts, politics or in careers where coordination with like-minded groups is important,...

Do not go all out to be a people pleaser; there is a tendency to push the boat out to impress others and gain some sort of superficial reward or acclaim. The benefits of this are short-lived and rather hollow. Right now you have a definite sense of who you are and of your own...

You may find that your partner is reacting more strongly to what they perceive you are saying rather than what you are actually saying, and they draw conclusions based on not words but everything else. Taurus take an attitude of trying many new things with the knowledge that some will and some won’t work –...

Sexual and social relationships that start now will have a strong karmic bond – you may have met in a past life, and you may have extraordinarily acute ESP together. Risk evaluate everything you do on a personal level – especially when you may depend on others for finance or support later on. This is...

Taurus must deal with and quash interference from others, and that can be parents in law, your parents or other would be advice givers or do gooders. Keep your own counsel and be more coy with what you say about your love life to others. You could be making more of an impression than you...

Sexual and social relationships that start now will have a strong karmic bond – you may have met in a past life, and you may have extraordinarily acute ESP together. Risk evaluate everything you do on a personal level – especially when you may depend on others for finance or support later on. This is...

You may be alienating your partner or a potential partner with your competitiveness; you do not always have to be right or more informed and sometimes you come across as uncaring as you act dismissive of others’ emotional struggles. Suddenly you realise how stale your life was and how many of the things you were...

Do not go all out to be a people pleaser; there is a tendency to push the boat out to impress others and gain some sort of superficial reward or acclaim. The benefits of this are short-lived and rather hollow. Right now you have a definite sense of who you are and of your own...

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