Previous Horoscopes

You approach problems from a highly rational perspective putting emotions on the shelf and this helps you get to the heart of things romantically in a dispassionate way. As long as you can harness your mental energy and direct it at the most important things systematically you can achieve almost anything right now as you...

You are quick to react to anything which undermines you or threatens your independence – this can be a good time to redraw some boundaries and let your partner know what’s what in terms of the relationship. You can certainly get things done, but not without cost as in your haste and determination feelings are...

Love and romance are certainly on the cards for Sagittarians and you are dropping hints, not so subtly, about what you desire either sexually or even in terms of redecorating to add an exotic and new touch to the home for spring. This is a very creative day and in any job you are want...

The course of true love never runs smoothly, in fact when it comes to love Sagittarians like a bumpy ride as they enjoy the challenge of finding out more about their lover and themselves via confrontation and that will be the order of today – strong willed individuals battling it out. Sagittarians are tuning in...

If Sagittarians wrote a love story it would definitely be a series as they hate endings and love new chapters.  Don’t believe the grass is greener elsewhere Sagittarius, feed and water your own grass. With Venus favoring Uranus in your 5th house, Sagittarians are known to be a little fast and loose with the finances...

An increased reserve can make striking up new relationships difficult and so single Sagittarians may embrace the single life, somehow it is easier right now. While Sagittarians are focused on the future you may be forgetting promises made in the past – remember to repay the favors owed to others who helped you to where...

The better you know yourself the more you can give in love; however if you deny your true nature and needs you will always be playing a game. Self-discipline and knowing your limits is important if you are to take advantage of the great opportunities at work right now – slow and steady, don’t go...

Lots of people have tried to get to know you. But you have your eye on someone special. Do they know? Good things are heading your way. Mercury is finally moving forward and with it comes a prosperous time for you. You are far too wise to believe silly health fads. Stick to your routine...

Ok, so things might not have gone exactly as planned with someone. But there are always second chances Don’t fret about your finances. Carefully manage your outgoings and you will be fine If healthy eating is feeling dull, buy a cookbook or do some research online for exciting recipes. You always have been a good...

If you are interested in someone, show them. Or they could be gone sooner than you expect. You are excellent at your job. But if it’s stressful right now, do your best to shut off at the end of each day. You have always been aware of your own bodies needs. This helps you to...

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