Previous Horoscopes

Sagittarius signs who have been married or in a relationship for a long time are going to feel a need to be touched and to touch their partner. Single signs will get along with water signs today. It is very likely that you feel like there are lots of obstacles will be in your way,...

Don’t be too hard on yourself. You can’t give everything to a partner and if they are expecting that, then it isn’t fair. Put work at the back of your mind today. Enjoy your time with friends. Your health is important to you. Don’t neglect it this weekend. Take chances and go explore the world!...

The Sun enters your sign today. With it, a need for a higher connection with someone will follow. The Sun represents your personality. Combine this with your sign and there may be a powerful need to achieve your personal goals. Work might be taking a back seat for now. Keep on the right path. You...

There’s an energy to you that makes you intriguing. Use this to approach a love interest today. Don’t overpromise. You can only do one job, so focus on doing it well. Look after yourself. Sleep well and stay hydrated. Make sure any travel plans are for enjoyment and not running away. Don’t rush into a...

Mercury is direct in Scorpio today. It’s time to brush off the cobwebs and finally address a relationship struggle you’ve been avoiding. A resolution to a work problem will happen today. Celebrate with work friends. Use your time for you. Don’t feel guilty about it If you’re content being where you are, then enjoy it....

A romantic encounter might be playing on your mind. Why not go for it? With energiser Mars in your eighth house you may be feeling more motivated than usual. Harness this power for a productive work week. Essential oils and relaxation will keep you calm today. Other people’s views and travel ideas are insightful. Listen...

Be considerate of other people’s feelings or a fight may be on the cards. Showing you care is the best way to avoid this. Don’t give up. Work hard this week and it will be worth it. Try to get into a natural routine with your health. Don’t neglect any food group. Don’t be afraid...

If you are coupled up then reconnect with your partner today. It’s easy to forget how special a relationship can be, so take time to nurture it. Learn how to manage other people. You don’t need to deliver your work the second that it is requested. All you can do is your best. A Sunday...

Switch a fancy date night for something more low-key. It will take the pressure off. You have a vision for your career path and are more than capable of achieving this. Get the wheels in motion today. Sometimes your body just needs to rest. Take some time for relaxation. Take some time to focus on...

Don’t be afraid to wear your heart on your sleeve. Lasting connections are made when you are truly yourself. Being stubborn about how you want things done won’t benefit you. Be open to other ideas and a nicer workplace environment will follow. If your mind has been out of focus lately consider talking to a...

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