Previous Horoscopes

Married Pisces might have a small argument related to money or related to problems (that are related to finances). Single signs feel good around Gemini signs today. Steadily, you are progressing. Don’t remember that at the end of the day – your job is just your job. It doesn’t define who or what you are....

Make sure you are communicating what you want when it comes to your love life. If not, how do you expect to get it? If work has been stressful lately then now is your time to switch off. Don’t think about it, and just enjoy your time. You know your body better than anyone. If...

The sun entering Sagittarius today means big changes romantically. Someone who excites your mind might take you by surprise. Work hard but don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Know where you stand and have principles. Spa weekend anyone? Arrange some R&R for the weekend ahead. A travel plan might fall through this weekend. Have...

Ready to have “the” talk? If it’s been on your mind then now is the time to bring it up. “Budget carefully this week. You don’t want to be left short. Don’t put too much pressure on your body. It needs time to relax. Travel to see family or friends takes time and effort. Don’t...

Enjoy dating and spending time with interesting people. An open approach will gain you more than a few admirers, Pisces. Work dramas are never good. Don’t let an issue escalate today. Vitamins and protein are essential. Don’t forget them! Make plans with friends and have something to look forward to. A idea will ignite a...

Don’t rush anything when it comes to love. It will all work out the way it is supposed to and forcing it won’t do anyone any good. Stay on top of your tasks this week. With Mercury in retrograde until tomorrow there is a risk of things going wrong, so just be sure to stay...

Coming to terms with a past relationship ending can be a liberating process. Embrace this feeling. Go for what you want. Your ambition and drive will help you along the way. If you have managed to find a balance that works for you, great! Stick with it. Don’t neglect your duties. If you need to...

A new phase of your relationship is coming. This will be exciting. An idea will make you feel confident going into work tomorrow. It’s your week to shine. Your daily routine will soon become normality. Once this happens you will learn to love it. Consider taking a holiday that involves an activity you’ve always wanted...

If someone isn’t making you happy, then maybe it’s time to address it? It won’t easy, but it could offer relief. Explore alternative avenues today. Use your weekend for your hobbies and passions. Learn how to switch off. This will help your body and mind. Learn to live in the moment. Everything doesn’t need a...

If commitment is scaring you take time to be on your own. You don’t have to rush into anything you aren’t ready for. Living within your means isn’t your greatest strength. If you are struggling this month, lay low for a while. Use your good days to keep pushing for more. You’ll enjoy the challenge....

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