Previous Horoscopes

Single signs feel good around Virgos today. There might have been some conflicts in the past, you just have to explain to your partner today that you like and want some more freedom. Right now, you really need to step it up. You are climbing up the ladder of your career. You are on the...

Single signs are going to be super wanted today, especially from air and earth signs. Taken signs are going to have a small argument about something that doesn’t really matter in the big picture. Due to the energy that the Moon is giving off, you might make a few mistakes. Don’t get upset if your...

Single signs are careless and flirty today. Taken signs might experience some frustration when it comes to dealing with their partner. It’s like the two of you are speaking two different languages. At work it’s going to be very important to make a set list of priorities and stick to it. You might need some...

Taken signs are going to have some disagreements today which are going to lead to a bigger fight later on in the day. Stay calm and stick to your arguments, but be open to conversation. Scams are everywhere, and you need to find a way to protect yourself from them. It will be a regular...

Single signs will be flirted with mercilessly due to all the energy that Venus is giving out. Married signs should reignite the spark in their marriage. Don’t be boring, Libra! Money is where a lot of your worries are right now. And the fact that your financial situation isn’t the best right now, is driving...

Venus is really serving you lots of good energy today. Taken signs will have a day filled with the kind of romance that you only see in the movies. Single signs will feel like flirting today. Signs who have a creative job will have lots of inspiration today. Do something that will help out your...

It is likely that married couples are going to have a big fall out today. Don’t behave irrationally and try to talk it out. Allow yourself time to cool down. Minor financial gain will happen later in the day. If you own your own business, you need to focus on marketing more. Update your websites...

Single Libra signs, don’t settle for less than what you deserve. (You deserve the best!) Married signs might have a small argument that is related to your different tastes in things. Your temper might be a little off today due to the current planetary situation. Allow yourself some time to cool off if someone starts...

Single signs are going to spend time with someone who they like today. Don’t be afraid to make the first move. Taken signs are going to have some issues when it comes to their communication style. Signs who work in retail are going to have a stressful and busy day. Make sure that you have...

Married signs are going to feel a bit more playful than usual. Your partner is going to enjoy this mood. Single signs will feel the energy from Venus and go on the hunt for a partner. Be more vocal at your job. Speak up when you can. Unemployed signs are going to have a great...

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