Previous Horoscopes

Taken Geminis will have a wonderful day with their partner, full of lust and romance. Single signs are really going to vibe with Sagittarius signs today. Financially, it is very likely that you’re doing a lot better than before. Your tremendous hard work has been paying off, and you can finally feel it. Get a...

A friend might reveal something about a love interest that you weren’t expecting to hear. Don’t get disheartened. Use today to do something for you. Creating time for activities you love is important. Working can negatively impact energy levels. Don’t feel bad about resting. Local food markets are a great travel idea that doesn’t cost...

Remain respectful and kind today. Jumping to conclusions or getting angry could leave a lasting impression. Be confident in your thoughts and actions. This will show a dedicated and professional side to your bosses. Spend some time cooking your favourite meal tonight. Relish this time. A Plan might go wrong today. You will be able...

Overanalysing small details can make them seem bigger than they are. Don’t let this ruin a good thing. If someone doesn’t want to see things from your point of view, don’t get angry. Keep a rational head. If you are feeling slightly off-kilter visit somewhere peaceful. This will help. Make sure all travel plans are...

Mercury retrograde goes direct today which means that reconnecting might be on the cards today. Have that talk that seemed impossible for the last few weeks. Check that your work is up to date and complete today. You don’t want to get caught out. The convenience trap is an easy one to fall into. But...

Don’t let what other people say infiltrate your mind too much. Do what is right for you. Lean on a work friend for help today. You may find you learn a new skill from them. With Mercury in retrograde, you may be feeling out of sorts. Normality is coming. Don’t put yourself under pressure to...

Mercury is direct in Scorpio today. A communication issue with a mysterious love interest will finally be cleared up. Use your intuition to decide on an important decision today. Try to be careful with spending, too. Make sure to manage all areas of your health. You will see a visible difference in every aspect of...

If you’re in a relationship try not to lose your independence too much. Schedule some “me” time to connect with yourself. If finances are stressing you out, then plan how you can make some small cutbacks. This can make a huge difference in the long run. Believe in yourself when it comes to your fitness...

If dating just isn’t working, then take some time by yourself to figure out what you want. It’s always good to gain some perspective Pressure is good but try not to leave everything until the last minute. It rarely pays off. You are in control of your body. Use it in the best way you...

Let communication mishaps happen and don’t take them too personally. Mercury in retrograde is bound to cause some confusion, so this is to be expected Take time to work through admin today. It’s not the most exciting but it will clear your desk for Monday. Keep your energy high by doing fun workout classes. This...

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