Previous Horoscopes

You do not need much provoking right now and it is easy for your partner to get a rise out of you. You are less tolerant and certainly less patient in relationships. You can be a little inconsistent, one minute you are rushing into something with great verve and then next thing you lose interest...

See every romantic doubt and fear as a little challenge to get through where the gift is knowing yourself, the true you and not who you were told to be. You may also be in a situation where you must maintain your moral compass and stick to ethical goals and principles despite those around you...

Romance tends to spring from casual and non-pressure situations where you feel relaxed. It is common for friendships, which have a potential for love, to start in work related or study related environments. A highly inspired time for those who work creatively and who rely on a burst of inspiration – you will have the...

Often our subconscious ‘arranges’ events that our conscious is trying to avoid – our subconscious is more in tune with what we really want and need while our conscious mind is often conditioned to act or behave in a certain way. This is very much a time to take control of your life, but taking...

Capricorn may realise that they are in love with an idealised version of the person rather than what they really are and this can lead to an emotional crossroads. Energy will be expended in different directions and there can be conflicts in terms of priorities and your own needs – this means it will be...

It is not a time to suffer in silence; it is worth opening up to something professional and asking questions or just expressing your concerns and finding out that they are not that usual. Even if you are in good overall financial shape, this is a time when you need to sharpen up your understanding...

Give your partner more freedom and let go of the fear that they cannot be trusted; take note of where you have become ridged and intolerant in relationships and ask why? There can be quite a bit of drama at work among your colleagues and you do not want to get sucked into it –...

Ever since Venus entered Sagittarius, you feel all your emotions very intensely. Be romantic in an old school type of way. You need to do something differently. If things stay this way, nothing good will happen for you financially. When cooking, use plenty of herbs and spices. Not only will it make the food taste...

Neediness isn’t something that you like in a partner, but you understand why your partner is feeling this way. Be kind to them and show them there’s nothing to worry about. You are working hard, and you are doing your best to stay motivated and focused on your work. Money is the greatest motivator. If...

If you are single, try meeting some new people today, or finally go on that date that you wanted to go on. They really like you, Capricorn. Avoid a negative Libra that will try to get you down today at work. You might receive some very useful and informative advice from a colleague who has...

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