Previous Horoscopes

If you are single, you keep going back and forth between wanting to be in a loving relationship and wanting to be on your own. Single signs enjoy being alone today. You are on a challenging path of self-discovery. Creativity come to you in waves today. You receive an interesting business call today. Your immune...

There is a big problem in your relationship and that’s dishonesty. Be fair to your partner and tell them what’s happening. Unemployed signs might get a call from an employer. Employed signs need to step up their game today. Your boss is watching you, do your best at work. You haven’t really been eating properly...

Today is more of a casual day for the two of you. The both of you have things on your mind and things that you are worried about. Today isn’t the best time to talk about having kids. You are lacking motivation to get where you want to be in life. Mars is sending you...

Taken Capricorn signs have more of a casual day with their partner. The both of you have things on your mind and things that you are worried about. Today isn’t the best time to talk about having kids. Even though financially you are doing alright, you are lacking motivation to get where you want to...

The fact that you’re so witty and fun draws a lot of people towards you like you are some kind of magnet. Taken signs enjoys their partners company. Spike up the romance a little. Things are getting difficult and giving up seems like the easiest option. Don’t push through and in the end it will...

Venus is really working its magic today. There is a lot of lust and desire today. Spend some intimate time together, and make it fun. Single signs enjoy the company of a sassy Sagittarius. You receive a very interesting business related email or call. Talk to your co-workers today and subtly see if they got...

Married couples might have an argument today. For single signs, falling in love isn’t really what’s on their mind right now. You are more focused on your career and yourself. Financially, you will do okay, but you need to start budgeting. If your job involves you being artistic, you will find inspiration in nature. Try...

Ah, Capricorn. You are longing for something that will last and something that is true, but only weird fire and water signs are hitting on you, without an intention to stick around much longer. You know what you deserve. Employed signs enjoys a conversation with a co-worker. If you are unemployed, then today will be...

Taken Capricorn signs are going to have an amazing day. Single signs might think about their ex-partner. This is because the Moon is sending you nostalgic vibes. Today is the day that you finally show everyone that you are ready to take the next step. Have a serious talk with your boss. Your health overall...

Taken Capricorn signs will enjoy a quiet day inside with their loved one. Having some pleasant lone time can improve your response towards your loved ones. Read a book or talk out differences with your parents and see the magic of love. You need to work harder in order for you to get where you...

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