Previous Horoscopes

Cancerians may be called to help out their partner with proofreading, analysis or a work project – Cancerians enjoy being helpful and doing something of concrete value for their loved one. Your head feels clear and you are able to express yourself and get your point across with minimum fuss. A great day for writing...

In all walks of life including relationships, learn to distinguish between love and attachment. While love brings happiness, understanding and joy, attachment will have a wealth of unpleasant side effects i.e. fear, anger, resentment, controlling or being controlled. Many Cancerians are artistic and other than Taurus, Cancer is the most musical sign – you may...

The more you strive for equality in your love relationship, the smoother things will go, but you will have to be the initiator and the person who steers these changes. Think about how you define yourself and how you want to be defined, i.e., wife, mother, business person, socialite. What labels do you put on...

You need to be aware of emotions and feelings that you project, and which boomerang back to you in the challenging behaviour of spouses or even children. You do have an all or nothing approach, which can be quite intimidating, and quite a few allies will fall by the wayside as they will not have...

Being too quick to take offence or believe that things which have been said are directed at you, can cause you to complicate relations with marriage partners and business associates to your own detriment. If you have a game plan to fall back. You will have a framework or reference point from which to make...

Cancer need to take a risk in love! If you are single, you are being too cautious right now and in that way letting opportunities slip away. In marriages you may have closed up a bit, relegating emotion to logic – let the feelings flow once more. You may shy away from grabbing the limelight...

If your partner is a little lazy, stodgy or cannot keep up with your adventurous side, you will look to pursue happiness and excitement in other walks of life away from the relationship for the time being. Do not be complacent about money matters, and do not count chickens before they hatch. A time to...

If your partner is a little lazy, stodgy or cannot keep up with your adventurous side, you will look to pursue happiness and excitement in other walks of life away from the relationship for the time being. Do not be complacent about money matters, and do not count chickens before they hatch. A time to...

You can come across as impertinent in love, you are more demanding than usual as those demands are driven by a need for some adventure and spontaneity. Cancer want their own way right now, you are very impulsive and you want to do things in your own style, it can be very annoying to you...

In all walks of life including relationships, learn to distinguish between love and attachment. While love brings happiness, understanding and joy, attachment will have a wealth of unpleasant side effects i.e. fear, anger, resentment, controlling or being controlled. Many Cancerians are artistic and other than Taurus, Cancer is the most musical sign – you may...

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