Previous Horoscopes

Feel the power of the Moon and embrace it. Be seductive, but yet compassionate. Single sings are going to be approached by a very sexy Scorpio. Everything is going great financially. You know exactly what you should be spending money on and what absolutely isn’t worth a cent. A family member will have some great...

With the power of Venus, the planet that governs love, romance, and passion, on your side – this period will be extremely fun for you. Married Aquarius signs will talk about extending the family. Financially, you are doing just fine. You will have a chance to make more money today. Your boss will be very...

Dating hasn’t really been your thing lately. However, there is a very special person that is going through your mind all day. Send them a message later today. Today will be a good day to invest, but don’t invest in anything too expensive because that’s a huge risk that you can’t currently afford. Today you...

Romance is in the air, and all the love that you give to your partner is given right back to you. You are thinking about making another serious step in your relationship. There will be a sudden change in your career due to Uranus. Be ready and prepared. How you react to this change will...

If you are taken, you will indulge in a little careless flirting with a mysterious Sagittarius. It might not be as naive as you think. You will feel a shift in energy today, but it will not last for long. Some unexpected income might come your way today. Your immune system is very sensitive now....

With Venus sending you good energy, you are feeling sexy and flirtatious. Taken Aquarius signs feel that their relationship with their partner is stronger than ever. Venus, the planet of love and money, has a lot of great things in store for you. People will sense your good energy, and they will come to you...

Taken Aquarius signs are going to feel a bit like the two of you have grown apart. Try to do something together. Single signs are going to have a great day today. You aren’t in the mood to work today. This might cause some problems with your coworkers or even your boss. Don’t slack, especially...

Aquarius signs who have been single for a long time now may need to finally say yes to their friend who has been trying to set them up. Taken signs should communicate more. With everything that has been going on recently, you have likely been a bit worried about money lately. Try to figure out...

Understanding in relationships today is about you listening to your partner and being able to articulate their anxieties or fears in a way that will have them shouting, “Yes, someone finally gets it!” Your chances of success are higher now as you will not accept a mental defeat – you will keep looking for ways...

Working on your relationship should not be seen as a chore – if your relationship is so unimportant to you that working on improvements is down with cleaning the oven in terms of your enthusiasm levels, which says all you need to know. This is a profitable and busy time for those who work in...

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