Previous Horoscopes

Not a day in which you have to let your guard down, although you could feel that things are going for the better in terms of health, vigilance is still recommended. Keep on fighting, even if you feel down and low in terms of energy, you must carry one. One step at a time is...

While Aquarians are in a purple patch of love; the one problem is if your partner is not able to match your enthusiasm or is not giving over the exact and immediate responses you want from you in which case you can be very irritable and snappy. You need targets to aim at and so...

Feeling sexy Aquarains? Your sex drive is very high right now and that means some excitement coming in the bedroom – but make sure your partner has as good a time as you. Motivational speaking and having a team to lead inspires Aquarians today. You need to be challenged both in terms of meeting, training...

Forget crowded places or the latest trendy haunt; today Aquarians can stimulate romance with a new or existing partner via a cultural visit to a gallery, museum or heritage site. Quality must trump quantity – look at which activities provide the best value for time or the most profit and get rid of peripheral pursuits...

Stop getting your partner to act out your dark side – often Aquarians attract in a partner what they need to examine in themselves, but they never get around to doing it firsthand. Anything hidden or slightly taboo will grab your attention and you will be drawn in in order to make sense of it...

Aquarians would rather talk to a stranger who they meet on the bus right now, than their partner – but this is not unusual for Aquarians who often rely on the kindness and wisdom of a random stranger. This can be a fallow period where not much is happening and yet you feel that any...

You are healthy as ever! You’re looking and feeling good, even though you feel as if there is some tension in the air. There is someone that you like for quite some time. Build up the confidence to approach them. Taken signs might have a minor fight with their partner. Financially, you are doing good...

With Venus in Sagittarius, things might be a little rocky, but generally you feel happy with where you are in your marriage. Single signs won’t really feel like going out or meeting people. You’re okay on your own. You will get a very important business related email or call today. This will be very informative...

If you are single, you will attract the attention from fire signs today. Married Aquarius signs are feeling a little bored with their marriage. Take over the initiative and do something cool together. Things are going well. Sure, there are a few expenses here and there, and, of course, bills need to be paid. But...

Morning will bring it’s typical challenges for you, in terms of energy, especially if sleep was not sufficient.Stepping into the day, your state should get better and better, making you leave behind any worries. New people are anticipated to make their presence felt in your life today, give them a chance and listen to what...

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