Previous Horoscopes

A pivotal time in terms of sexual relations with a partner or lover. Sex does not just mean the act itself but could link to better understanding of sexual issues or an awareness of a sexual concept Win or lose, all is not lost in terms of the experience gained today and so do not...

You really need to own your anger – there is the desire to be compromising in the short run at the risk of longer term resentment. Diplomacy now can lead to unsatisfying stalemates in your own head which fester. If you have to compromise your value or beliefs, no victory no matter how significant will...

Capricorn will attract partners who are either chalk or cheese and this means you have very different qualities which you both admire and secretly envy. Just because it is mid-week does not mean that you are easing the pressure, you will push hard for a strong end of the week and in terms of getting...

Love may be last on the list today with other areas of life becoming very demanding especially to do with wider family concerns. Dilemmas at work are the order of the day; nothing comes without a price and often the price is that your company wants more of your personal time, impinging on family –...

Capricorn are known for their loyalty and yet often loyalty comes at a personal cost – if you are 100% behind your partner that can be a mutually exclusive situation. You cannot fool me Capricorn, you love a challenge, once you have broken it down into chunks and examined each one then calculated the profit,...

Not enough time is being spent nourishing relationships and experiencing the joy of togetherness – whatever you are looking to achieve, make it about your partner and you, bring them on board and strive together. Today is mentally active and Capricorns are busy researching and documenting; you are getting those ducks in a row and...

You can feel a little edgy when a lover and partner pushes you out of your comfort zone, but that is exactly what you need right now – a love partner can be the catalyst for you starting to challenge yourself again. Do not get boxed in by concerns about convention and what your colleagues...

You need to put yourself out there. Your laidback nature is great but if you want to be with someone then there is some effort required. A blunder in a meeting will leave you laughing. It’s good to not take these things too seriously. Splash out on your favourite lunchtime treat today. You’ve earned it...

You need someone who can stimulate you intellectually. Don’t settle for anything less. You work hard and can afford to spend your money on nice things. Just don’t let possessions consume you. Be mindful of rest days. Everyone’s body needs time to recover. An unexpected trip will end up being a lot more fun than...

Stop denying your feelings. Life is too short for that and you may live to regret it. You might be getting a little too caught in work right now. Remember, it is just work at the end of the day. Are they paying you enough? ou are kicking ass with your fitness routine right now....

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