Previous Horoscopes

There is a big problem in your relationship and that’s dishonesty. Be fair to your partner and tell them what’s happening. Single signs will get flirted with by a Pisces. Unemployed signs might get a call from an employer. Employed signs need to step up their game today. Your boss will be watching you. You...

Single Capricorn signs will have an absolute blast today, while married Capricorn signs will have a day filled with arguments and serious discussions. Venus affects us all differently! You are on a challenging path. Lots of obstacles will be in your way, but you will be able to handle them. Ask a family member for...

Married couples might have an argument today. For single signs, falling in love isn’t really what’s on their mind right now. You are more focused on your career and yourself. Financially, you will do okay, but you need to start budgeting. If your job involves you being artistic, you will find inspiration in nature. Try...

The cycle you are beginning is set to have a powerful effect on your relationships, and focusing on your own direction in life may bring conflict with partners. Unions long and short lived that have outlived their purpose may begin to crack, but it’s important for you to look ahead to the future. A good...

Very unselfish in all aspects of love, your generosity will be reciprocated, and if not you can feel very hurt – indeed, your emotions are tender right now, and so you should have a guard up (just slightly) to avoid hurt. The start of an excellent period for those of you who work in fields...

This may be a day of discovery in even long-term relationships where you learn something you never knew about your partner – it can be something intriguing, and you will wonder why you had never noticed or asked about it before. We should not judge books by their covers, but people will judge you in...

If you say ‘sorry’ you must mean it; diplomacy for the sake of it will not cut it; you have to say what you mean and mean what you say. You are highly perceptive right now and able to look beyond the cold and dry facts to see underlying patterns and trends that you can...

With Saturn protecting you, you feel incredible, Capricorn! You are energized and ready for every obstacle in your way. You are often described as loving and bright. Your love life is going amazing, and you find it easy to make deep and sensual connections with other people. Financially, you need to start thinking about the...

Take more care of your health, both in physical and mental aspects, it’s now time to think more about yourself. If your determination made you stick to a long term plan, then this is the day that will mark a change for the better. Time to spice things up, no more laying low, take some...

When you start going on a path that leads to a healthier lifestyle, obstructions always spring up. Not all could be up to standards, or to their desired levels, more effort on your part will get the rewards. A great opportunity for new and exciting connections is awaited for today, so keep and open mind...

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