Previous Horoscopes

Today looks like a day in which your fitness, energy and strength levels should be at top levels. Try and be more active, staying alert through out the afternoon especially, even if your mood inclines to say otherwise. A small change for the better may be visible in your finances, a change that you should...

Fitness levels and overall energy is on the rise, your Capricorn horoscope inclines to show a boost in terms of wellness. Positive influences should be felt by natives of Capricorn, your strength is likely to go up and new projects may be started. Changes up ahead for Capricorn natives are likely to happen today. With...

So be it partying, promoting, working – know when enough is enough and don’t burn too much of the midnight all. Pace yourself from today. Your partner may find you a little erratic and very hard to understand. Today old school ties, glass ceilings and perceived social class divides are more apparent and may hamper...

Relationships with siblings are important – you may travel to help a sibling who has just had a baby, or maybe help out a sibling who is moving home or who just needs your support. That bond you have with a sibling is very important and almost spiritual now, and you can connect on a...

Foot rubs can be very erotic right now. Capricorns can be rather turned on by legs and ankles and so bare your legs, reach for the high heels and dump the flat boots. Capricorn with Aquarians and Sagittarians are enjoying the relationship more than usual. You have the ability to enjoy the quirks of your...

A good day where you can generally bask in a feel-good factor and a positive emotional environment, the downside is that work takes up more leisure time and you are probably having another takeaway. Accept other’s faults and allow them time to change, always remembering that change is never easy for anyone especially if they...

Hold on tight to your dreams Capricorn – if something matters to you do not let go of it. Having hopes and ideals are just as vital an ingredient to good health as having nourishing food. Capricorn are highly attracted to people they see as damaged or vulnerable – but you may be trying to...

Be careful what you eat as there can be sudden stomach upsets. It is subtle things that stimulate you in love right now; nothing overt or coarse, it must be gentle and creative. Manually dexterous, you are excellent at mastering skills with your hands, and this can benefit any of you who want to take...

A day to take it easy, just ease your foot off the pedal in term of work and also indulgence. No exercise, be lazy, eat take out and just get more sleep. It is not good enough to just listen, your partner wants empathy and also to feel that you are tuned into their needs...

Be extra careful on the road. This may not be a good time for cycling in towns and cities, especially after dark. You do not have to spend much to have a great time and enjoy some romance, in fact, the oddest, quirkiest moments can end up being a lasting memory. The challenge is to...

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