Single signs will get along with earth and air signs today. Someone might even be relationship material. Be aware of the fact that your partner might feel a bit left out. Infidelity is very possible.
You do your best to be responsible with money but it just seems like you never have enough. Try to put more money aside in your savings account.
Eat more greens today. Your weak spot today is your head. That means that you are dealing with a lot of stress and you are not sleeping enough.
The ideal place for you to visit is going to be Serbia! Everything is cheap and the people are more than welcoming.
Expect luck in social situations. The numbers 5, 85, 3, and 27 will be your lucky numbers today.
Today it would be best if you tried to find your inner peace and your inner balance. A nice meal with close friends or a few family members will make you feel a bit better about yourself.