Previous Horoscopes

You are in the mood for romance. But for some reason you won’t feel comfortable enough to approach the person that you like. You need to be very careful at work today, because someone might try to sabotage either you or your work. Stay focused. Try to boost your immune system, by drinking lots of...

You are not the one that does short-term relationships, and you are not known for having flings with people. Be smart with your money. Definitely don’t flaunt it around because if you do that, you might end up having to buy a safe to keep all your money safe. You won’t have any health problem...

Even though you are happy with your marriage, you kind of entered a boring routine and you are hating it. Today, your partner do or did something that really annoyed you and that start an argument. You get some very sound and interesting advice from a colleague who has more experience than you. Listen to...

Do something sweet for your partner, because they are going through a rough time too. Feel the energy that the Moon is sending you today. A fire sign approach you and ask you for a small loan or for some quick cash. If this person is a good friend who you trust, you should give...

Passion is in the air. Take your partner on a little surprise trip where it’s just the two of you. Make sure that it is romantic and that you both feel passionate. With high energy you feel unstoppable today. Do something creative at your job, suggest the idea freely and try to do things in...

Fantastic! You are going to feel all the love that Venus has to offer you. No matter if you are single, taken or married; you will feel good throughout the day. It won’t be the easiest day today. It’s like you’re stuck and you don’t really know what to do next. Swallow your pride and...

You are the most sensitive sign out of the entire zodiac, and this is something that is well known. Luckily, you have a partner who adores every sensitive part of you. Single signs, you think about your ex today. A seemingly ordinary email can change your whole day at work. When you least expect it,...

You are a believer of true love, Cancer. Venus is protecting you and your heart today. Taken signs have a day filled with romance. Be brave and confident, because today might be the day that you get a raise. This helps your financial situation out a lot. Meditating or doing some sort of yoga will...

A conflict might happen due to miscommunication. This is due to the energy that Moon is giving off. If you are single, a very magnetic Capricorn approaches you and you won’t expect it at all. Financially, you are doing alright. Start saving more. At work, you are progressing. It might be a bit slow, but...

Flirting is your second nature today. Approach the person that you’ve admired for a long time. They might flirt back. An Aquarius from work have some sound advice for you. There is a huge opportunity that is going to reveal itself to you very soon. Today isn’t the day to drink heavily or to indulge...

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