Previous Horoscopes

Do something sweet for your partner, because they are going through a rough time too. Feel the energy that the Moon is sending you today. A fire sign will approach you and ask you for a small loan or for some quick cash. If this person is a good friend who you trust, you should...

Passion is definitely in the air. Take your partner on a little surprise trip where it’s just the two of you. Make sure that it is romantic and that you both feel passionate. With the strength of Neptune on your side, you will feel unstoppable today. If you want to do something creative at your...

Commitment and hard work can bring wonderful results in relationships, in fact your love relationship has all the essential ingredients Cancer crave and thrive on right now. It is all about moderation, caution and learning what the limitations are and how to work with them rather than resenting them. Results in terms of diet and...

Your love life is likely satisfying you right now, no matter if you’re single, dating, taken, in civil partnership or married. It’s a good day to spread the message of love. The Moon in Pisces will discipline you into showing fantastic patience and calmness today. Your co-workers will likely be impressed. Eating well is a...

Taken signs might feel like there is something weird going on. You might feel like you are closing yourself off emotionally for some reason. Single signs might not be in the mood to flirt. You might not feel all too satisfied with your current financial situation. However, you are doing the best that you can...

Taken signs might realize that they might not be as emotionally available as they thought they were. Single signs might miss someone that they used to see on a regular basis. If you manage to successfully juggle all your responsibilities, it’s highly possible that today will bring you lots of success. Possibility even a lot...

With Venus in Gemini sending out odd energy, taken signs might have a falling out with their partner. Single signs might feel guilty because of some past decisions. You’re human. Forgive yourself. At work, you might encounter someone who doesn’t agree with your method or your stance. It would be best if you didn’t take...

Taken signs are feeling very happy. Venus in Gemini is likely doing wonders for your relationship. Single signs might feel like they are in need of a good hang out with their friends. Signs who work with customers might feel a bit frustrated. Somebody might accuse you of something that you didn’t do. Financially, you’re...

You are ruled by the Moon, which is the ruler of emotions, instincts, what makes you comfortable and your intuition. No matter if you are taken or single, the Moon will ensure that this day will be pleasant. You might be asked to take a big risk today. Before you do so, it would be...

Your fitness might be lower than foreseen today, be more considerate when dealing with your health. Your stamina may be put through some though tests so better save up on your energy so as to be active through out the day. Strong signs are showed for today in your love life, confidence is set to...

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