Previous Horoscopes

Every relationship has their ups and downs. Today, the weak spot of your relationship might be the different communication style that you have. Single signs feel good around Libra signs. Unemployed signs might have more luck today when it comes to finding a new job. If you are new at a job, just take it...

Your feelings for someone might be more than just friendship. Are you prepared to take the chance and let them know how you feel? Your career opportunities are growing. Your abilities will shine. A healthy outlook and approach are all it takes for success. And you’re nailing it! Go where you feel like today. Boundaries...

Confidence has gained you an admirer. Smile and be friendly and see where it goes. Some workdays are hard. Don’t doubt yourself and keep pushing through. The weekend is almost here. Take a break when and if you need to. Life can wait. Visit a friend for a catch-up today. It will be exactly what...

If you have been struggling to get through to someone, try a different approach. It might not be obvious, but it will work. With Mars connecting with Scorpio today there is productive and strong energy in the air. Use it to work to get your workload done. A balanced diet will help you to stay...

Feeling romantic? Take time to go on a date with a new love interest or a partner. Review your spending and make small changes if you need to. This will take the pressure off you financially. Committing to something and then stay focused. Before you know it you will be an expert. Plan an adventure...

Your love life might be going through a bit of a switch up now. Welcome changes with an optimistic approach. A new prospect perspective might have you craving a new career journey. Take the chance. Make sure to make time for physical activity this week. It can make all the difference. An upcoming trip needs...

Mercury continues its retrograde through Scorpio today making discussions with a partner, or anyone for that matter, difficult. Wait until the 20th to have any serious talks. Progress requires effort. Put the work in but don’t strain yourself. Health is radiating from you, Cancer. Keep the good routine up. Sometimes taking time to enjoy the...

With Neptune, the planet of healing in your house of endings it’s time to move on. You are ready and able. It’s difficult to switch off on the weekends but you should try. Use your time and energy for things you enjoy on your days off. Consider aromatherapy to relax and as a little treat...

A swipe right is sometimes all it takes for true love to blossom. Go on a date and see where it takes you. If are financially comfortable now, make sure to plan for the future and put some money away. This is a sensible approach. You are good at managing your health, but it can...

A casual date might end up going far better than expected. Hello, date number two A compliment about your work ethic will help you get through the day. Stay on this trajectory and success is inevitable. A niggling pain bothering you? Don’t put too much pressure on your joints Get in touch with someone from...

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