

Aries are in a very romantic mood and yet you have to be very careful of what you say as something well-intentioned may come out all wrong or hit a bum note.
Many Arian make talented writers of fiction as you have such a great imagination and a strong vibrant voice – today you can make an impression with written communication whether you write prose or send letters of proposal, write copy for leaflets or write to clients about new services.
Sporting ventures are a great outlet for Aries and you do well where you interact in groups or with teams as this is more motivating for you.
Travel to get ready for an assignment next week is favored.
You are lucky in working with others to solve complex problems.
You are warm and effusive right now, but you need to be careful as more cynical types may think you are coming on too strong and that kind of rebuff will hurt as you are quite sensitive to harsh words.

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