Previous Horoscopes

You have the power in relationship and can chose the outcome, and so no matter what is going on, keep making the effort or stick to your guns and you can win. Insatiably curious you thrive the more dynamic the day is and you are alert to new information – you can struggle to concentrate...

With mercury retrograde conjunct your 5th house ruler, impulse control is very hard when it comes to romantic feelings and so you may just get into situations which are terrific in the now, but a little complicated down the line. A great day to bring others together for either business related fun, to establish bonds...

Aquarians are often attracted to Leos; a new relationship with a Leo has a big chance of success. With Sun sextile Jupiter, a good time for a new page in love. You will find that you feel more energised, confident, and optimistic about the future at this time. It’s a good time to resolve conflicts...

Debate, even heated debate fuels your passionate nature; Aquarians are renowned for their cool calm and collected demeanour, but whoever shakes that will also arouse you sexually – so today anger, heightened tension and sex go hand in hand. Aquarians are throwing away the rule book and approaching problems from an angle that many find...

Aquarians secretly love it when their partners or love interests press their buttons; you want them to take you closer to your dark side – placation equals stagnation. Be careful when you get involved in new movements or causes as even if you are newly associated, you may find that the buck is passed to...

With your ruler square Venus, Aquarians will seek out pleasure; but you do not mind going off by yourself if your partner is not willing.  Single Aquarians are hanging out with friends, but do not overstay your welcome – three is a crowd. Communication break downs and issues to do with your book keeping can...

Aquarians are insatiable in the bedroom right now and should your partner not share your passion you will probably be seeking some excitement via extreme sports or becoming highly argumentative with friends. Often when we are highly committed to a goal we become a little isolated; Aquarians are highly dedicated to certain causes of goals...

Don’t be afraid to send that text to the person who’s been on your mind. You could just make their day. Someone in the office is making life difficult for you. Don’t let them get the better of the situation. You may be feeling the mid-week slump. Push through it. If you feel like a...

Don’t let yourself get worked up over someone who won’t do the same for you. Sometimes it’s better to let things lie. Take a minute to appreciate how far you have come in your career. You are in a good place financially and it’s only going to get better. Your new motivation is brilliant. Just...

Cool the jets Aquarius. Love takes time. There is no need to rush into any big decisions just yet. You need to learn to switch off. Downtime will help you in the long run Mind yourself. Sometimes you are so busy you forget to look after yourself. A healthy dinner and an early night will...

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